We provide our students with the essential information so they are able to develop effective techniques, observation, and critical thinking skills that are needed to pass the State of Hawaii Massage Therapy License Exam as well as develop a sound foundation of knowledge and a skill set that are needed to flourish in their endeavors as Licensed Massage Therapists.
Enjoy a relaxation or therapeutic massage
$35 for 1 hour
Enjoy the benefits of an hour of relaxing, therapeutic massage for a fraction of the price!
Our students, who are qualified and appropriately trained, are ready to knead and press your stress and tightness in your muscles away at our Student Clinic. Each Student Therapist is put through numerous hours of training, in theory and practice, as well as tested, before they are qualified to treat you. They are not bound by a routine and will customize the massage to your needs.
Clinic Supervisors:
A clinic supervisor is always on hand.
Call (808) 620-8899 to make your appointment today!

808-620-8899 | firstmassageschool@gmail.com
94-370 Pupupani Street Waipahu, HI 96797